@KTzone » 資源 - 電影 » 資源 - 電影紀錄片資源超連 » BBC-自然大事件-02馬哈魚大逃亡

2009-4-30 20:54 6k

譯  名:自然大事件
片  名:Natures Great Events with Sir David Attenborough
年  代:2009
國  家:英國BBC
This fantastic series from the BBC's renowned Natural History Unit combines the epic scale of Planet Earth and the intimate, emotional stories of charismatic animals as they struggle to survive. Using state of the art HD technology, these amazing programmes capture the Earth's most dramatic and epic wildlife spectacles and the intimate stories of the animals caught up in them.
Every year, around the world, seasonal changes transform entire landscapes and draw in millions of creatures as these great events unfold.
Part 1: Melt世紀大消融章
The Artic's Great Melt that finds polar bear families navigating their precarious way on ever-thining ice.
探索了北極熊家族  如何在日漸變薄的冰層之上克服困難前行的奧秘
Part 2: Salmon Run 馬哈魚大逃亡
British Columbia's Great Salmon Run where grizzly bears use ingenuity and fancy footwork to collect their catch.
英國哥倫比亞大馬哈魚的逃亡 為以靈巧著稱的大灰熊創造了集中狩獵的好時機
Part 3: Migration 塞倫蓋蒂平原大遷徙
The Great Migration of the Serengeti that tests the survival skills of a pride of lions with young cubs.
Part 4: Tide 潮汐
The Great Tide of billions of sardines along South Africa's east coast creates an action-packed feeding frenzy of thousands of dolphins, sharks, whales, seals and gannets.
Part 5: Flood 奧卡萬戈大洪水
The Great Flood of the Okavango Delta in Botswana draws families of elephants, who undertake an epic trek to reach it.
Part 6: Feast 阿拉斯加海岸盛宴
The plankton bloom of the Great Feast in Alaska's coastal waters attracts humpback whales and sea lions, who face the dangers of killer whales.
阿拉斯加海岸大量的浮游生物 吸引了一批批的駝背鯨和海獅,冒著被虎鯨獵殺的危險 來赴此盛宴

2009-4-30 22:36 samsonmei

2009-4-30 23:18 fermi
thank for your sharing

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