@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » PAPAGO! Singapore + Malaysia (PRO) 星馬導航 M8

2011-2-18 18:48 bunnylai
PAPAGO! Singapore + Malaysia (PRO) 星馬導航 M8

[size=2]What's New in Version M8.0.0
1.Now PAPAGO! M8 with 3D DEM and TTS built-in.
2.Add driving recorder function(Only for iPhone 3GS & iPhone 4, iOS 4.0 up)
3.Driving recorder will only save the last 15 mins.(iPhone 3GS needs 880MB memory, iPhone 4 needs 1.25GB memory.
4. Map update (2011, jan)[/size]


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